CARNEY: Yes. Q Jay, should the Martin family be encouraged to pursue a wrongful death lawsuit rather than wait for a decision by the Justice Department regarding a civil rights investigation? MR. CARNEY: April, I`m just not& ... april carney linkedin CARNEY: April, I don`t have any sort of internal deliberations or outside conversations to report to you. This is not hard at all. The President wanted to say something and he opened the briefing today so that he could say& ... Among those made aware the week of April 16 was White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough. Carney said White House officials were made aware of the investigation last month, but said that waiting was the appropriate& ...
During his daily press briefing on Thursday, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney, was asked about implementation of the Affordable Care Act. One reporter.
CARNEY: Yes. Q Jay, should the Martin family be encouraged to pursue a wrongful death lawsuit rather than wait for a decision by the Justice Department regarding a civil rights investigation? MR. CARNEY: April, I`m just not& ...
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